Big, stinky corpse flower Putricia blooms in Sydney, watched on by thousands via livestream
By Millie Roberts. ABC News. Thursday, 23 January.
A giant stinky flower drawing attention across Sydney has officially bloomed, emitting its infamous foul odour of decay for 24 hours only.
Putricia, as the corpse flower has been nicknamed, blossomed at the Royal Botanic Garden on Thursday afternoon after first showing signs about a week and a half ago.
Otherwise known as the Bunga Bangkai, Titan Arum or Amorphophallus titanum, the plant has the biggest, smelliest flower spike in the world and only flowers once every few years.
Corpse flowers are rare and endangered and usually found in the West Sumatran rainforests, with estimates that there are less than 1,000 specimens left in the wild.