Supporting Australian Florists & Flower Growers
Australian Grown Flower Bands now available in our online store.
Flower Industry Australia is the national representative body for Australian flower growers and florists. FIA represents and advocates for its grower and retailer members at both national and state levels on issues affecting the industry. Flower Industry Australia is governed by a board of appointed directors who are either growers, retailers and/or in possession of skills deemed beneficial to the Flower Industry in Australia.
Country of Origin Labels Now Available
FIA is excited to announce that our very own country-of-origin flower bands are now available in our online store.
Some Australian flower growers have already trialed the “Australian Grown” rubber bands and had a positive response from buyers who were easily able to identify locally grown flowers. FIA hopes that more flower growers will adopt green and gold-labeled bands, to help us grow awareness around country of origin labeling, increase support for Aussie farmers and make it easier for customers to select home-grown products.
$12 per pack (400 bands) for FIA members.
All FIA members receive a discount code to access 20% off all Australian Grown Rubber Band purchases at checkout.
If you are a current member and have not found your discount code in your email inbox, please get in touch and we will forward you a new code - flowers@flowerindustryaustralia.com.au
Flower Industry Australia Featured News
Promote and support Australian Grown Flowers.
Improve access to relevant industry policy, regulations, and legislation.
Provide regular industry news and information.
Bridge the gap between growers, retailers, and industry partners.
Foster strong & friendly relationships with State Associations & Organisations.
Advocate for Strict Biosecurity to encourage clean, regulated import policy and practice.
Provide Country of Origin labeling solutions and advocate for mandatory Country of Origin labeling.
Flower Industry Australia. What we aim to do.
Australian Grown Flowers
FIA & Local flower growers have come up with their own Australian-grown label, as pressure mounts on the Federal Government to mandate country-of-origin labelling for imported flowers.
Support Australian flower growers by buying Australian grown flowers.
FIA Sponsors & Industry Partners.
Flower Industry Australia thanks our generous sponsors and our members for their continued support. Your financial contribution helps us to protect and advocate for the long-term sustainability of the Australian cut-flower industry.
Our partners & members support Australia’s flower industry.